How Apple and Google Are Disrupting Education and Changing the World


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How Apple and Google Are Disrupting Education and Changing the World

3 steps in the evolution of teaching in the U.S.:

• Home schooling (in Colonial times, except for the elite)
• Teacher oriented, classroom book learning
• Blended learning (technology and tradition mix; student-centered learning)

How technology is changing education (as we know it):
• Convenience and availability of information
• Communication revolution (kids texting)
• A world of students (thanks to blogging, Twitter, Facebook and other online platforms)
• No more poster boards. Hello Glogster (Web 2)
• No more three ring binders. Hello LiveBinders
• Interactive textbooks
• Ebooks
• Disappearance of the chalkboard (and chalk)
• Tablets (iPads and Android tablets)
• Rise of web-based research

Google and Apple are competing for a piece of the billion dollar education pie:

The Tale of the Tape: A Battle of the Tech Heavyweights

In this corner, Apple:
Founded: Apple, 1974
Founder: Jobs and Wozniak (Apple), met in high school;
Valuation (as of Feb. 2014): $464.2 billion (Apple)

In the other corner, Google:
Founded in: 1998
Founded by: Brin and Sergey (Google), met in college
Valuation: $391.3 billion (Google)

What they are fighting for: Big Money market share
$9 billion: sales of instructional material (overall) 2014
$7.97 billion: estimated K-12 education market 2014
$13.4 billion: estimated K-12 education market 2017

K-12 tablet and laptop market share has these two leaders:
iPad: 43%: of all tablets in schools are iPads (Apple)
Chromebook (Google) notebooks: 20% of laptops in schools are Chromebooks, and that number is increasing fast.
From 2012 to 2013: 20 % increase in Chromebook sales.

The explosive (and projected) growth of digital textbook sales (as percent of U.S. textbook sales):
2010: 1.5%
2011: 3%
2012: 6%
2013: 11%
2014: 19.5%
2015: 26%
2016: 35%

How Google Hopes to Change Education:

• By make learning seem magical
• Through free accessible technology
• Empowering innovating communities

Google for Education Program (strategies)
• Chromebooks in the classroom
• Tablets with Google Play for Education, a special version of Google Play created just for schools. Choose from:
• Thousands of teacher-approved apps
• A wide variety of K-12 reading, from classics to recent textbooks
• YouTube Edu videos for fun explanations of complex concepts
• Android Apps for education

More than 30 Million: number of students (all levels of education, including college) are using Google Apps for education in 2014
More than 7 million: K-12 students use Google Apps for education

10 Best Educational Android Apps:
• Advanced English & Thesaurus (free)
• AnyMemo Free (free)
• HomeWork (free)
• Kids ABC Phonics ($3.99)
• Kids Numbers and Math (free version or $2.99)
• Splashtop Whiteboard ($9.99)
• Star Chart ($2.99)
• Teacher Aide Pro ($5.99)
• United States History Free (free)
• WolframAlpha ($2.99)

How Apple Hopes to Change Education: Through Digital Education

• iBooks2: etextbooks
• Alliances with McGraw-Hill, Pearson and Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt that will transform how students use and interact with textbooks.
• iTunesU: A free online portal for students
• With course content coming from top education institutions like Yale, Duke, Cornell, Berkley, UCLA, Oxford, Stanford, University of Paris, and the Open University.

Best Educational Apple Apps:
• Edmodo (free)
• Frog Dissection ($3.99)
• Grammar Up HD ($4.99)
• History Maps of the World (free)
• iStudiez Pro ($2.99)
• Monster Anatomy ($8.99)
• Motion Math ($1.99)
• Professor Garfield Cyberbullying (free)
• Proloquo2go ($189.99)
• The Elements: A Visual Exploration ($13.99)

Apple announced $1 billion in revenue on 2013 educational sales of iOS and Mac products, including iPads, which took a staggering 94 percent tablet market share in schools.

