25 Great Scholarships for Anthropolgy Majors

anthropology-scholarshipsSince earning a degree in anthropology provides the essential record-keeping, analytical, reading, writing, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that can be applied to various employment opportunities, several organizations and universities have established scholarships for anthropology majors studying the human origins of mankind.

Anthropology is a social science that is concerned with studying the history of humanity, from its origins as tribes of hunter-gatherers through the beginning of modern civilizations, to better understand our present and our potential future. Whether you are interested in studying the four major sub-disciplines of cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology, or biological anthropology, the following are 25 of the most generous scholarships specifically geared towards anthropology enthusiasts like you.

1. Antonio J. Waring Jr. Anthropology Endowment Scholarship

Deadline: October and March 15th

At the University of West Georgia, the Antonio J. Waring Jr. Anthropology Endowment Scholarship is granted each semester for $1,500 to graduating high school seniors and current undergraduate students who have declared a major in anthropology. Qualified candidates enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of coursework at UWG must submit an application, a copy of a current transcript, and an essay on personal career goals in the field of anthropology.


Antonio J. Waring Jr. Anthropology Endowment Scholarship
1601 Maple St.
Carrollton, GA 30118
(678) 839-6457
Scholarship Link

2. Arthur C. Parker Scholarships for Archaeological Training

Deadline: December 16th

Established by the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) in honor of the founding president, the Arthur C. Parker Scholarships for Archaeological Training is presented for up to $5,000 annually to Native American students or employees of tribal cultural preservation programs who are interested in pursuing an archaeological training program. Eligible undergraduate and graduate applicants must be accepted into a four-year accredited U.S. institution with a declared major in archeology or anthropology.


Arthur C. Parker Scholarships for Archaeological Training
1111 14th St. NW Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 789-8200

3. Bennetta Jules-Rosette Graduate Student Essay Award

Deadline: June 1st

Sponsored by the Association for Africanist Anthropology (AFAA), the Bennetta Jules-Rosette Graduate Student Essay Award grants $1,000 to one graduate student in any sub-field of anthropology who writes the best original essay on Africanist anthropology. Preference will be given to submissions that highlight emerging perspectives and demonstrate potential as a major contribution to the fields of Africanist anthropology, African studies, or African diaspora studies.


Bennetta Jules-Rosette Graduate Student Essay Award
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093
(858) 534-2230

4. Carrie Hunter-Tate Award for Students in Anthropology

Deadline: October 1st

In honor of the former officer of the National Association of Student Anthropologists (NASA), the Carrie Hunter-Tate Award for Student in Anthropology is bestowed upon undergraduate and graduate anthropology student members who exhibit academic excellence, professional achievement, leadership, community service, and enthusiasm for service in the profession. Applicants must submit an essay on research interests, an official college transcript, and a current CV or resume on professional experience.


Carrie Hunter-Tate Award for Students in Anthropology
2300 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 1301
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 528-1902

5. Dorothy Jean Ray Anthropology Scholarship

Deadline: April 1st

At the University of Northern Iowa, the Dorothy Jean Ray Anthropology Scholarship is available for declared anthropology majors who will be entering their junior or senior year at the beginning of the fall semester and demonstrate a serious vocational pursuit in a chosen branch of anthropology. In order to qualify for the $2,000 award, applicants are required to satisfactorily complete a qualification examination and participate in an interview on campus.


Dorothy Jean Ray Anthropology Scholarship
1227 West 27th St.
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
(319) 273-2700

6. Dona Agripina De Urdaneta Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology

Deadline: February 15th

Each year, the Dona Agripina De Urdaneta Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology is offered by the University of Texas at San Antonio to undergraduate students majoring in anthropology who have completed at least 60 credit hours at the university with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate significant financial need, are studying cultural anthropology, and are the first in their family to attend post-secondary school.


Dona Agripina De Urdaneta Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology
McKinney Humanities Building Room 405
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249
(210) 458-4075
Scholarship Link

7. Donald D. Landon Public Affairs Scholarship

Deadline: March 1st

Within the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Missouri State University, the Donald D. Landon Public Affairs Scholarship is distributed for $1,000 to full-time junior or senior sociology and anthropology students who have demonstrated a commitment to public affairs. Qualified candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, exhibit financial need for tuition assistance, and write a one-page letter explaining their leadership in community service.


Donald D. Landon Public Affairs Scholarship
Strong Hall Room 451
901 South National Avenue
Springfield, MO 65897
(417) 836-5640

8. Esther Pressel Undergraduate Cultural Scholarship

Deadline: May 1st

Established by Colorado State University to celebrate the life of a beloved professor, the Esther Pressel Undergraduate Cultural Scholarship provides $1,500 to undergraduate students enrolled in the cultural anthropology program who demonstrate her inquisitive, active, and exploratory nature of learning. Eligible applicants must be enrolled full-time with a major in anthropology, maintain an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher, and exhibit need for financial aid.


Esther Pressel Undergraduate Cultural Scholarship
Andrew G. Clark Building Room B-219
Fort Collins, CO 80523
(970) 491-5447

9. Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships

Deadline: February 15th

Administered by the Leakey Foundation, the Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships are designed to offer up to $12,000 per year to students with citizenship in a developing country who wish to obtain an advanced degree in anthropology from an institution outside their home country. Qualified applicants must be enrolled in a M.A. /M.S. or Ph.D. program related to the study of human origins, have a provisional acceptance to a host institution, and intend to return to their home country for work upon completion.


Franklin Mosher Baldwin Memorial Fellowships
1003B O’Reilly Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129
(415) 561-4646
Scholarship Link

10. Harmon Scholarship in Anthropology

Deadline: June 15th

In honor of an outstanding former student at Auburn University, the Harmon Scholarship in Anthropology is awarded for $1,000 to full-time undergraduate students who are majoring in anthropology within the university’s College of Liberal Arts and have specific career interests in the dynamic field of archaeology. To be eligible, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better, demonstrate significant financial need, and exhibit potential with work experience related to archeology.


Harmon Scholarship in Anthropology
Haley Center Room 7030
Auburn University, AL 36849
(334) 844-5049

11. ISI Western Civilization Fellowship Program

Deadline: January 16th

With the goal of encouraging students to study the institutions, values, and history of the West in appreciation for our culture, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) hosts the Western Civilization Fellowship Program to provide three fellowships for $20,000 each to current graduate anthropology students with a research interest in Western tradition. Applicants must attach an original five to ten-page essay, a personal and professional autobiography, three letters of recommendation, an academic writing sample, and an official transcript.


ISI Western Civilization Fellowship Program
3901 Centerville Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19807
(800) 526-7022

12. J. Raymond Williams Memorial Scholarship in Public Archaeology

Deadline: March 1st

As a two-year graduate tuition waiver program that also provides $500 each year for book costs and other academic expenses, the J. Raymond Williams Memorial Scholarship in Public Archeology is granted to full-time underrepresented minority students who are majoring and researching in public archaeology at the University of South Florida. Recipients of the scholarship must complete a graduate assistantship of 10 hours per week for the full two years.


J. Raymond Williams Memorial Scholarship in Public Archaeology
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2138

13. John E. Lobdell Undergraduate Anthropology Award

Deadline: February 1st

In memory of an extraordinary anthropologist who specialized in the human biological and environmental history of Alaska, the John E. Lobdell Undergraduate Anthropology Award is granted annually for $1,500 by the Alaska Anthropological Association to members who are currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in anthropology at any U.S. institution. Applicants must provide a brief statement of professional goals in anthropology, an official transcript, and two academic letters of recommendation.


John E. Lobdell Undergraduate Anthropology Award
P.O. Box 241686
Anchorage, AK 99524
Scholarship Link

14. Kiana Dressendorfer Scholarship in Archaeology

Deadline: February 7th

Within the Department of Anthropology at San Francisco State University, the Kiana Dressendorfer Scholarship in Archaeology is awarded annually for up to $3,000 to continuing undergraduate or graduate students who are pursuing their research interests in archaeology in any region of the world. Eligible applicants must be currently conducting research that will add to our understanding of the daily life, technology, society, politics, economic, or artistry of ancient peoples worldwide.


Kiana Dressendorfer Scholarship in Archaeology
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 338-2046

15. Lambda Alpha National Scholarships

Deadline: March 1st

As the national honor society for anthropologists, the Lambda Alpha presents annual scholarships for $5,000 each to graduating senior-level undergraduate students with a major in anthropology who are active members on their university’s Lambda Alpha chapter nationwide. For consideration, eligible applicants must submit a letter of nomination from a department faculty member, official transcripts, a letter of recommendation from a professional anthropologist, and five copies of a professional writing sample on anthropology.


Lambda Alpha National Scholarships
2000 West University Avenue
Muncie, IN 47306
(765) 285-5297

16. Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research

Deadline: February 1st

In order to encourage exploratory field studies in archeology, anthropology, biology, ecology, geography, geology, linguistics, paleontology, and population genetics, the American Philosophical Society offers the Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research to U.S. doctoral students wishing to carry out research anywhere in the world. To qualify for up to $5,000 in grant funding, applicants must submit a research proposal and two letters of recommendation exhibiting their abilities in carrying out the proposed work.


Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research
104 South Fifth St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 440-3400
Scholarship Link

17. Morris E. and Lucille Ritter Opler Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: October 15th

At the University of Oklahoma, the Morris E. and Lucille Ritter Opler Memorial Scholarship is bestowed to deserving upper-division undergraduate and graduate anthropology students who have made outstanding endeavors in the subfield of cultural anthropology. Recipients of the $2,500 scholarship can utilize the funding for travel to a professional conference, a significant component of a research project, travel for studying abroad, or partial university tuition.


Morris E. and Lucille Ritter Opler Memorial Scholarship
Dale Hall Tower Room 521
455 West Lindsey
Norman, OK 73019
(405) 325-3261

18. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships

Deadline: November 7th

With the mission of ensuring the vitality of the human resource base of science in the United States, the National Science Foundation (NSF) offers Graduate Research Fellowships for outstanding graduate students who are pursuing a research-based master’s or doctoral degree at an accredited U.S. institution. In order to qualify for the three-year annual stipend of $32,000 along with a $12,000 tuition scholarship, students must be majoring in engineering, technology, mathematical sciences, social sciences, education, or life sciences.


National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships
1818 North St. NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 331-3542

19. Phyllis and Richard Daugherty Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence

Deadline: March 15th

In honor of the famed Washington archaeologist who devoted his career to studying the pre-history of the Pacific Northwest, the Phyllis and Richard Daugherty Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence is provided by Washington State University to a junior or senior-level anthropology student who shows outstanding promise in the field of archeology. Recipients are chosen based on academic excellence, leadership qualities, participation in departmental affairs, and commitment to furthering anthropological studies in graduate school.


Phyllis and Richard Daugherty Scholarship for Undergraduate Excellence
P.O. Box 644910
Pullman, WA 99164
(509) 335-3441

20. Reza Zarif and Rufina Paniego Award for Excellence in Anthropology

Deadline: April 15th

Funded by a generous gift to the School of Social Sciences at the University of California Irvine by anthropologists Reza Zarif and Rufina Paniego, the Award for Excellence in Anthropology grants $1,000 to an outstanding junior or third-year undergraduate student who demonstrates great academic promise with a major in anthropology. Eligible candidates must be enrolled full-time, have completed at least 60 semester credits at the university, and possess a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 or better.


Reza Zarif and Rufina Paniego Award for Excellence in Anthropology
1201 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway
Irvine, CA 92697
(949) 824-6803

21. Ryan Huemann Undergraduate Anthropology Endowed Scholarship

Deadline: Varies

In memory of an outstanding anthropology major who died at the youthful age of 26 in a climbing accident in Big Sur just weeks after becoming a father, the Ryan Huemann Undergraduate Anthropology Endowed Scholarship presents up to $1,500 to full-time undergraduate students majoring in anthropology at the University of California Santa Cruz. Recipients of “Ryan’s Travel Money” are encouraged to use the funding for independent research, research-related travel, or travel to professional academic conferences.


Ryan Huemann Undergraduate Anthropology Endowed Scholarship
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
(831) 459-3320

22. Smithsonian Minority Research Internship Program

Deadline: February and October 1st

Each semester, the Smithsonian Minority Research Internship Program awards competitive fellowships to underrepresented minority undergraduate and beginning graduate students who are studying in the fields of animal behavior, anthropology, astronomy, earth science, ecology, evolutionary biology, history, or sociology with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Recipients will receive a $550 stipend each week with additional travel allowances for participating in a full-time 40-hour internship for ten weeks.


Smithsonian Minority Research Internship Program
470 L’Enfant Plaza SW Suite 7102
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 633-7070
Scholarship Link

23. Tony Galt Anthropology Student Travel Scholarship

Deadline: October 1st

At the University of Wisconsin Green Bay, the Department of Anthropology offers the Tony Galt Anthropology Student Travel Scholarship to full-time undergraduate students who have declared a major or minor in the field of anthropology. Since studying abroad is a tremendous learning experience, the scholarship is designed to provide $2,500 in funding for overseas research, independent study, enrollment in a foreign university, or participation in an organized study abroad program at an accredited higher institution.


Tony Galt Anthropology Student Travel Scholarship
2420 Nicolet Dr.
Green Bay, WI 54311
(920) 465-2045

24. Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth International Fellowships

Deadline: March 1st

For up to $17,500 per year with the possibility of renewal for a maximum of four years of funding, the Wenner-Gren Foundation provides the Wadsworth International Fellowships to support graduate study leading to a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral degree in anthropology. Applicants must be from countries where anthropology is underrepresented or where there are limited resources to send students overseas for international-level training in anthropology.


Wenner-Gren Foundation Wadsworth International Fellowships
470 Park Avenue 8th Floor
New York, NY 10016
(212) 683-5000
Scholarship Link

25. William Griffen Native American Anthropology Scholarship

Deadline: April 15th

Each year, the William Griffen Native American Anthropology Scholarship is granted for up to $1,500 to undergraduate students of Native American descent who are currently enrolled full-time in an anthropology degree program at Northern Arizona University. In order to qualify for the nonrenewable scholarship, applicants must have completed at least 15 semester hours, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, and provide proof of tribal registration.


William Griffen Native American Anthropology Scholarship
South San Francisco St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
(928) 523-3180

Since studying anthropology provides a deep appreciation to cultural diversity to better understand today’s rapidly evolving global society, the degree often opens professional doors in fields ranging from the humanities and social sciences to communications, business, health, education, law, marketing, and even medicine. If you are committed to pursuing a degree in anthropology to benefit from vast career opportunities, check out these 25 great scholarships for anthropology majors to reduce the financial burden of rising tuition prices.