What Can You Do With a Maritime Studies Degree?

The mere mention of the words “maritime studies” is often enough to evoke all sorts of curiosity and mystique about this topic. What is a maritime study degree, and what can you do with it? Here’s your closer look into an exciting and unique field of study.

A Unique Discipline

Most of the degree programs you will find out there involve land-based studies, or things that happen on dry land. Quite the opposite of these, the degree in maritime study teaches students all about the happenings on the water. The University of Connecticut describes the idea for us well:

“The maritime realm hosts humanity’s most dramatic stories, powerful technologies, and grandest aesthetic and literary achievements. Global oceans and rivers also witness humans’ worst acts of pollution, criminality, and destruction. Maritime Studies explores these long and sometimes troubled relationships between people, water, and other forms of marine life.”

These concepts and more form the focus of this fascinating degree program. Now that we’ve covered the basics of the maritime degree we can get into some vocational options allowed by earning it. Here are five, great examples to illustrate the field of maritime work made available to grads here.

Professor of Maritime Study

We start with the professor of maritime study. This important professional is responsible for professing to students everything there is to know about maritime concepts. There truly is no better teacher for this subject than those already formally educated in it directly. In this position, you will likely work on a college campus or at a military training facility.

Maritime Journalist

Maritime journalism deals strictly with reporting on maritime subjects and anything related to the open water. A maritime study grad is the perfect candidate for this position because of their intimate, prior knowledge of the subject. Pollution, maritime law, trade, water sports, and other water-born happenings are all fair-game for the writer’s pen in this career.

Harbor/Port Management

As a graduate of this particular degree, one will have obtained significant knowledge of seamanship and port/harbor operations. As a result, this graduate is perfect for port and harbor management positions. In such a position, one must regulate and monitor port policy, safety, traffic, and even the environmental aspects of the comings and goings of every ship at the port.

Marine Resource Management

A marine resource manager typically works for the government but can also work for private entities. The chief job function here is that of managing all of the resources provided by the waters. Fish, shellfish, water, oil, coral, and many other resources are of great value here. In order to assure a solid future for them, we must responsibly utilize and manage such resources now. The resource manager thus oversees the harvest, protection, and allotments for all of these kinds of resources.

Coast Guard Officer

To get into the coast guard, one doesn’t necessarily need a degree in maritime matters. However, in order to really climb to greatness in this venue, this degree will set you on just that course. With the maritime degree, the highest ranks and positions ultimately become available. These positions in turn involve anything from being a ship captain or fleet commander all the way to an expert oceanic analyst.

If it involves human use of the open water, maritime science and studies is the overseeing discipline. These five career choices are just a few of the many made available via this valuable and exciting degree in maritime study. For more detailed information on the maritime studies degree, it is highly recommended that you inquire directly with one of the many, accredited schools specialized in this discipline.