25 Great Scholarships for Agricultural Majors (J-Z)

agriculture-scholarshipsAs a continuation of our description of 25 Great Scholarships for Agricultural Majors (A-I), below is the second half of our list of agriculture scholarships that provide financial assistance to students interested in earning a degree in agriculture or related fields.

The scholarships for agricultural majors are presented in alphabetical order.

1. Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Scholarships

Deadline: August 15

KFFAS makes two annual awards to Agricultural Challenge of Champions winners and administers a STAATS Company scholarship. The organization makes one annual award of $1,000.

Applicants for Agricultural Challenge of Champions awards must be from a KFFAS member county and a Kansas State Fair member. STAATS Custom Awards candidates must be from a county that hosts the Kansas State Fair, active members of the Kansas Fairs Association, a minimum 3.0 GPA and has exhibited projects in at least three of the last four annual fairs.

Kansas Fairs and Festivals Association Scholarships
Charles Atkinson
Post Office Box 127
Great Bend, KS 67530
Phone: (620) 793-3747
Email: admin@kansasfairsassociation.com

2. Klussendorf Association Scholarship

Deadline: April 15

The National Dairy Shrine awards seven annual agriculture scholarships of $1,000 to aspiring dairy professionals. The awards are jointly funded by the McKown Fund and Klussendorf’s Chris Kampf.

Applicants must be completing their freshman, sophomore or junior year at a two-year or four-year U.S. or Canadian institution. A major in animal science, dairy science, agribusiness or other field related to the dairy industry is also required. Most influential factors in selections are dairy cattle activities, experience and career interest.

Klussendorf Association Scholarship
National Dairy Shrine
PO Box 725
Denmark, WI 54208
Phone: 920-863-6333
Email: info@dairyshrine.org

3. Louis R and Helen E Schwartz FFA Agricultural Scholarship

Deadline: February 1

Administered by Michigan-based Saginaw Community Foundation, the named sponsors award various amounts annually to assist worthy aspiring farmers.

Applicants must be from Saginaw County in Michigan, Lynn County in Minnesota or Muscatine County in Iowa. Other eligibility criteria are a minimum 2.5 GPA and full-time enrollment in an agriculture or related degree program. Although awards are non-renewable, recipients may reapply in multiple subsequent years.

Louis R and Helen E Schwartz FFA Agricultural Scholarship
Saginaw Community Foundation
1 Tuscola
Suite 100
Saginaw, MI 48607
Phone: (989) 755-0545

4. Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture Scholarship

Deadline: February 1

The Missouri Youth in Agriculture Committee sponsors or administers several dozen annual awards of $1,000 and one annual award of $2,500 for future agricultural professionals.

Applicants must have participated in an FFA or 4-H Division Missouri State Fair Youth Exhibition, active FFA or 4-H members, high school seniors and major in agriculture at an accredited Missouri college or university. A notable disqualification is prior Sale of Champions livestock sales.

Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture Scholarship
Missouri State Fair
2503 West 16th Street
Sedalia, MO 65301
Phone: 1-800-422-3247
Email: mostatefair@mda.mo.gov

5. Montgomery Gentry-Sony Music Scholarship

Deadline: February 15

Administered by Future Farmers of America, this scholarship makes three nonrenewable annual awards of $2,000 to deserving FFA members.

Applicants must also be U.S. high school seniors or full-time undergraduate students and plan to or currently major in any agricultural field. Another mandatory requirement is being from a family farm with plans to return.

Montgomery Gentry-Sony Music Scholarship
The National FFA Organization
PO Box 68960
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Email: scholarships@ffa.org

6. Murray Wise Associates Scholarships

Deadline: March 31

Toward its primary mission of promoting agribusiness success, MWA makes annual awards to promising students pursuing degrees in agriculture and related fields. Amounts vary but are renewable for up to four years, provided recipients meet pre-specified conditions.

Applicants must be high school seniors accepted for full-time enrollment or current full-time students in an accredited agriculture or agribusiness program. Recipients must complete 12 or more credits per semester and are chosen based on GPA, standardized test scores, demonstrated leadership skills and extracurricular activities in agriculture.

Murray Wise Associates Scholarships
Jamie Knight
c/o Murray Wise Associates LLC
1605 South State Street, Suite 110
Champaign, IL 61820
Email: info@mwallc.com

7. William J. Collins Scholarship

Deadline: March 14

Established in honor of its named retired AgriBank executive and administered by Agriculture Future of America, this fund has historically made two annual awards of $1,500.

Hopeful recipients must plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. agriculture-related program and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Selections are based on career visions, leadership, community involvement and financial need.

William J. Collins Scholarship
Agriculture Future of America
ATTN: William J. Collins Scholarship
P.O. Box 414838
Kansas City, MO 64141

8. National FFA Organization Scholarships

Deadline: February 1

The National FFA Foundation administers hundreds of agriculture scholarships funded by individuals and business to support widely diverse experiences, career paths and academic goals. Number and amount of annual awards vary, but a common eligibility criterion is pursuing an agriculture-related degree.

Selections take the whole applicant into account and are based on overall work history, experience, and community activities as well as scholarship and FFA involvement. For more details a full listing of available awards, see https://www.ffa.org/programs/grantsandscholarships/Scholarships/Pages/default.aspx.

National FFA Organization Scholarships
PO Box 68960
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Email: scholarships@ffa.org

9. National Potato Council Scholarship

Deadline: June 14

NPC awards $10,000 annually to help a graduate student conduct research that helps the potato industry. Although no specific quantifiable minimums are stated, selections are based on several criteria that include academic accomplishment, leadership capability, graduate studies related to potatoes and extracurricular activities.

Download an application at http://nationalpotatocouncil.org/files/6213/7943/7018/2014-2015_NPC_Scholarship_Application.pdf.

National Potato Council Scholarship
1300 L Street NW, Suite 910
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 682‐9456
Email: www.nationalpotatocouncil.org

10. New York Farm Bureau Agricultural Youth Scholarship

Deadline: November 18

NYFB sponsors an annual essay contest that awards cash prizes of $1,500, $1,200 and $1,000 to respective first, second and third-place finalists.

Applicants must be high school seniors or college students with demonstrated involvement in agricultural activities and plan to or currently pursuing higher education in the field. NYFB student or family membership is also required and an application may accompany the scholarship application form.

Essays must provide a concise answer to the question, “If you had the power to change something in your community or on your farm, what would you change and why?”

New York Farm Bureau Agricultural Youth Scholarship
159 Wolf Road
Post Office Box 5330
Albany, NY 12205
Phone: 518-436-8495 or 1-800-342-4143

11. Yanmar-SAE Scholarship

Deadline: February 15

This fund is administered by the SAE Foundation and made possible via the generosity of the world’s largest non-vehicle diesel engine manufacturer Yanmar America Corporation. A one-year renewable annual award of $1,000 is made to support advanced studies in environmental conservation or agriculture.

Applicants must be U.S. residents who are full-time undergraduate juniors, seniors or graduate students pursuing an ABET-accredited engineering or related degree. Majors that emphasize research or study of internal combustion engines are preferred. Criteria with most impact on award decisions are academic performance, special honors or studies in awarded discipline(s) and demonstrated scientific or engineering leadership.

Yanmar-SAE Scholarship
SAE International
400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15096
Email: scholarships@sae.org

12. R. Flake Shaw Scholarship

Deadline: Contact sponsor

Since 1967, North Carolina Farm Bureau has proudly awarded more than $3,000,000 that has repaid handsome dividends by developing agriculture industry leaders. Six renewable awards of $3,750 and two renewable awards of $1,000 are made annually to students at four and two-year institutions, respectively.

Community college system applicants accepted by North Carolina State or North Carolina A&T State receive additional funding of $3,750 for up to two years. Learn more at http://www.ncfb.org/Programs/RFlakeShawScholarship.aspx.

R. Flake Shaw Scholarship
Janice Noffsinger
Phone: (919) 782-1705

13. Sarah Bradley Tyson Fellowship

Deadline: April 15

Its 1928 establishment makes this fund the oldest memorial scholarship sponsored by the Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association. Annual awards of $1,000 are made to help female students with several years of proven ability pursue advanced studies.

Applicants must be women who are pursuing graduate degrees in agriculture, horticulture or an allied science at an accredited U.S. educational institution. As there is no application form, interested candidates should send a letter of request for a brochure along with self-addressed, stamped envelope to the address listed below.

Sarah Bradley Tyson Fellowship
Mrs. Harold L. Matyn
3801 Riverview Terrace South
East China Township, MI 48054
Email: matynjm@att.net

14. SFCC Citrus Center Scholarship

Deadline: February 1

Maple Leaf Farms sponsors this fund that makes annual awards of $1,000 to upperclassmen at Purdue University Colleges of Agriculture.

Applicants must be juniors or seniors planning a career in food production, processing or preparation, or production medicine. A minimum 3.0 GPA and verifiable work history or cooperative education and extracurricular activities in the food industry are also required. Parental employment by Maple Leaf Farms for at least five years is preferred.

SFCC Citrus Center Scholarship
Sherre Meyer
Phone: 765-494-8470
E-mail: meyer10@purdue.edu

15. Mobil Delvac Agriculture Scholarships

Deadline: August 1

ExxonMobil sponsors an annual essay competition that awards $4,000 to the top three finalists. Applicants must be students pursuing a degree from an accredited U.S. agricultural school or program and write an essay on a sponsor-designated topic related to agriculture.

Official contest rules and more details are available at https://insects.tamu.edu/students/schol_fellow_grant/pdf/050506_DelvacScholarship.pdf.

Mobil Delvac Agriculture Scholarships
ExxonMobil – Automotive Marketing/Agriculture
3225 Gallows Road, 6C-0420
Fairfax, VA 22037

16. South Carolina Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarships

Deadline: Varies, contact sponsor

The South Carolina Farm Bureau Foundation provides funding for students pursuing higher learning in agriculture and related areas. Multiple awards are made annually that range between $1,000 and $2,500 to family affiliates of South Carolina Farm Bureau.

Applicants must be immediate members of a family that holds active SCFB membership and college sophomore through senior majors in agriculture or related fields. Recipients are chosen on the basis of character, leadership potential and demonstrated dedication to agriculture or related endeavors.

For program-specific details, visit http://www.scfb.org/getinvolved/scholarships/foundationscholarships.aspx.

South Carolina Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarships
South Carolina Farm Bureau Foundation
Post Office Box 754
Columbia, SC 29202

17. Sullivan Show Supply Scholarship

Deadline: March 15

Leading livestock grooming innovationist Sullivan Supply and subsidiary firm Sullivan Supply South sponsor 20 annual awards of $1,000 to deserving scholars who are highly passionate about livestock.

Although a major or planned career in livestock is not mandatory, intent to continue involvement in the livestock industry is required. Applicants must also be graduating high school seniors or college students who are U.S. or Canadian residents and no older than 21 years of age.

Sullivan Show Supply Scholarship
Apply online at https://www.sullivansupply.com/cart/tx/scholarshiphome_hold.aspx.

18. Syngenta Agriculture Scholarships

Deadline: April 15

To further its mission of cultivating tomorrow’s leaders, Syngenta sponsors a scholarship and an annual essay contest that make generous awards to future agriculturists. Syngenta Agriculture scholarships are awarded in an aggregate annual amount of $20,000 and a Syngenta/FFA Student Essay finalist wins $5,000 every year.

Scholarship applicants must be high school seniors or undergraduate or graduate students majoring in agriculture at an accredited U.S. land-grant university. Syngenta/FFVA Student Essay contestants must be high school seniors involved in Florida 4-H or FFA, or undergraduate or graduate students attending an eligible Florida institution.

Syngenta Agriculture Scholarships
Phone: 1-866-796-4368

19. Tab Williams Scholarship

Deadline: Contact institutional department

Each year, the named North Carolina State University alumnus sponsors full-tuition awards for up to four agriculture students at his alma mater. Applicants must be from rural North Carolina counties who demonstrate exceptional scholarship and financial need.

Tab Williams Scholarship
Director of Academic Programs
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
115 Patterson Hall, Campus Box 7642
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
Phone: (919) 515-2614

20. Thaddeus Colson and Isabelle Saalwaechter Fitzpatrick Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: Contact administrator

Administered by the Louisville Community Foundation, this memorial fund assists female Kentuckians pursue environmental and related degrees.

Applicants must be Kentucky residents who are sophomore through senior undergraduate majors in an environmentally-related discipline such agriculture, horticulture, environmental biology or environmental engineering. A minimum 3.0 GPA is also required.

Thaddeus Colson and Isabelle Saalwaechter Fitzpatrick Memorial Scholarship
Meredith Zahirovic, Community Leadership Associate
Phone: 502-855-6971
Email: meredithz@cflouisville.org

21. United Agribusiness League Scholarship Program

Deadline: March 1

Via its website, UAL reveals plans to award a total of $75,000 in the year of this writing to students majoring in any field. A threshold requirement is United Ag or UABT affiliation as a member or employee of a member. Applicants must reside in Canada, Mexico or the U.S., have a minimum 2.5 GPA and attend an accredited school during the academic award year.


United Agribusiness League Scholarship Program
54 Corporate Park
Irvine, CA 92606
Phone: (949) 975-1573
Email: scholarship@ual.org

22. United States Department of Agriculture 1890 National Scholars Program

Deadline: February 1

Established in 1992 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and eighteen historically Black land grant universities, this fund pays full tuition, room, and board for minority majors in agriculture, food, natural resources and related areas. Chosen recipients are also guaranteed paid summer internships and full-time jobs at USDA after graduation. As if all that were not enough, they also get free use of a laptop, printer and software for up to four academic years.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, entering freshmen in a bachelor’s degree program at one of 18 land-grant HBCUs, have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA and a combined SAT verbal and math score of 1,000 or composite ACT score of 21.

United States Department of Agriculture 1890 National Scholars Program
Office of Advocacy and Outreach
1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Stop 9821
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: (202) 260-8415
Email: 1890init@usda.gov

23. Upper Division Agricultural Education Scholarship Program

Deadline: May 15

The National Association of Agricultural Educators makes 15 annual awards of $750 to its aspiring colleagues. Applicants must be agricultural education majors on track to graduate in the academic year of award, active NAAE student members and plan an agriculture teaching career.

Upper Division Agricultural Education Scholarship Program
Phone: (859) 257-2224 or (800) 509-0204
Email: asmith.naae@uky.edu

24. Veenhuizen Family Agriculture Scholarship

Deadline: February 1

The Purdue University College of Agriculture makes annual awards that vary in number and amount to undergraduate students in their sophomore through senior year. Selections are mainly based on demonstrated leadership commitment and financial need is considered but not a mandatory criterion. Preferential consideration is given to students majoring in animal sciences and agricultural and biological engineering.

Veenhuizen Family Agriculture Scholarship
Sherre Meyer, Purdue University College of Agriculture
Phone: 765-494-8470
E-mail: meyer10@purdue.edu

25. Winfield Careers in Agriculture Scholarship

Deadline: February 1

Wholly owned Land O’Lakes subsidiary Winfield Solutions, LLC makes twenty awards of $1,000 to help deserving high school seniors and college freshmen pursue agricultural careers.

Applicants must be planning or currently enrolled in a two-year or four-year degree program and major in crop production, agronomy or closely related disciplines. Selections factors with greatest impact include demonstrated academic achievement, leadership in agricultural activities or organizations and perceived potential for future positive contributions that advance agriculture.

Winfield Careers in Agriculture Scholarship
Megan Sjostrom
Winfield Solutions, LLC
Careers in Agriculture – MS 5735
P.O. Box 64281
St. Paul, MN 55164

Filed under: Agriculture Scholarships